Chipotle 2021
A stop-motion animated film that tells the intergenerational tale of a family farmer passing his farm onto his son and daughter-in-law set to Kacey Musgrave’s reimagination of Coldplay’s classic, “Fix You.”
A decade ago, Chipotle launched its Cultivate Foundation to support sustainable farming with a short animated film entitled “Back to the Start.”
A decade later, Chipotle continues its Cultivate A Better World platform by expanding its powerful support of family farmers to the next generation.
This time, we were tasked with telling a story that empowers and inspires the next generation of America’s family farmers. We added new characters, new storylines and more detail than ever before to create an emotional film that addresses the pressures and challenges that young farmers face.
The film sat at the center of a fully-integrated, content-centric campaign. We brought the world of the film to life through a Snapchat filter that mirrored our animation style. We collaborated with Carhartt to create a capsule collection inspired by the characters, with proceeds benefiting young farmers. The characters and film came to life across owned channels both digitally and in-store at Chipotle.
Role: Lead creative on film from concept through production at Observatory and then as I moved over to Chipotle I finished the film with the internal team as we put the finishing touches on music and the launch campaign.